Students who graduate from Isaac Newton Christian Academy:
Spiritual Development
Understand and commit to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Know, understand, and apply God's word in daily life.
Personally respond to carry out the Great Commission locally and around the world in a culturally sensitive manner.
Can articulate and defend their Christian worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.
Possess apologetic skills to defend their faith.
Understand the worth of every human being as created in the image of God.
Intellectual Development
- Are well prepared in all academic disciplines and are skilled in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking
- Are proficient in mathematics and science.
- Have a knowledge and an understanding of people, events, and movements in history, and the cultures of their peoples and places.
- Appreciate literature and the arts and understand how they express and shape the students' beliefs and values.
- Know how to utilize resources--including technology—to find, analyze, and evaluate information
- Are committed to lifelong learning.
- Explore, create, experiment, observe, plan, analyze, reason, investigate, and question.
Social/Emotional Development
- Embrace and practice justice, mercy, and peacemaking in family and society.
- Value intellectual inquiry.
- Have the skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions.
- Have an appreciation for the natural environment and practice responsible stewardship of God's creation.
- Enjoy and initiate friendships with a variety of individuals.
- Take pride in their work.
- Show empathy and kindness to others.
- Recognize that their body is created by God and that special responsibility is needed to care for it.
- Engage with others in learning activities.