PTF Mission: To serve and bless the teachers and staff at Isaac Newton Christian Academy and to unite parents and families together in fellowship and service through Jesus Christ.
PTF Vision: EVERY parent will be actively involved in using their Spiritual Gifts and Talents by serving teachers, staff and school family which facilitates the building up of the entire school body in Christ Jesus.
PTF Purpose: The Parent Teacher Fellowship group is an active part of the school community. PTF assists with school picnics, welcome back to school night, school fundraisers, family fellowship and organizing events to show appreciation to our teachers and staff. We help bless the teachers in many ways by providing room parents, raising money for classroom needs, teacher appreciation funds, etc.
PTF Membership: Every one who has a student at Isaac Newton Christian Academy is automatically a member of PTF! Every school year, PTF presents ways that you can be plugged into our school. This is a great way to meet friends and get connected! Fellowship through service is the primary way we do that. Many hands make light work . . . and many friends!
If you would like to help out at the school, we would LOVE it. Please contact the office at We can help you find something that fits your God given gifts and talents and your family schedule.
Pray about this and discover how you can help your child’s school.
"Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very works of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength that God provides. So that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and power for ever and ever." 1 Peter 4:10-11 NIV
Areas of Service:
Hospitality: manage Grandparent's Day, conference meals, teacher appreciation meal, administration staff day, teacher gifts, etc.
Room Parent Coordinator: manage the room parent volunteers and communicate all needs and plans with them.
Finance: oversee and manage the monthly budget needs of PTF
Fundraiser: Manage a special fundraiser. Those include the November bake sale, the spring flower sale, and the Carnival.
Secretary: take meeting notes and publish and communicate with the office regarding meetings.
Coordinator: oversee the PTF​.