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Sports Forms

Prior to participating in sports at Isaac Newton, a Medical Eligibility Form & Concussion Form must be turned in to the school office. 
Medical Eligibility Form
The Iowa Medical Society has updated the pre-participation examination procedures for participants in Iowa school athletics in order to be most current in best practices of screening and identifying health concerns of the student athlete that are relevant to their safe participation.
A physical exam continues to be required annually for each athlete. However, a full copy of the examination form completed by the health care provider is no longer required for athletic participation. The entire 2-4 page form should not be turned in for sports participation eligibility. Parents may retain a copy of it for their own records and share with the school nurse.
The ONLY FORM parents should take to the physical exam appointment and submit to the school is the 1-page Medical Eligibility Form. 
Note: All physical exams / Medical Eligibility forms are good for 12 months plus a 30 day renewal period. Please make sure the Medical Eligibilty Form is COMPLETED and SIGNED by a parent and licensed medical professional. The licensed medical professional is a licensed physician and surgeon, osteopathic physician and surgeon, osteopath, qualified doctor of chiropractic, licensed physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner (not a RN, CNA, CMA or other provider office staff).  The school office cannot accept incomplete forms. This may delay the start of your athlete practicing with their team, so please make sure the form is complete before submitting it.
Concussion Form
The Concussion Form should be read & signed by both athletes and parents. This form is due prior to the first practice. Both you and your child need to carefully read through the document together and make sure you both understand concussions. 
2025/2026 Applic